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    sovietbasl : who is burd
    Burd8 : No one
    dadius : burd is the colonizer daughter
    Holydiverdio75 : I don't see lol
    sovietbasl : burd r u flirt worthy or no
    Burd8 : Yeah sure technically I guess
    adamite : burd = arab?
    dadius : her ancestors came from the dungeons of england
    dadius : like trump deporting spics today
    Burd8 : Nah I’m secretly 350 pounds and a man
    KingBrodieTheTurd has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : OMG! look who is here , it is KingBrodieTheTurd
    dadius : undesireables ....
    Burd8 : Get it right, it’s Spain
    sovietbasl : i have a define chest pec that looks like a ceramic tile
    adamite : FistingBrodieheTurd
    sovietbasl : incase anyone is wondering
    dadius : same thing
    dadius : the Spaniards were known for raping and ravishing women....they don't call it Spanish fly for nuffin
    KingBrodieTheTurd : You’ve sick in the head Willy.
    Burd8 : And lisp don’t forget the lisp
    dadius : more than likely your daddy liked to take it burd.....
    adamite : o well
    adamite : i m not the 1 fisting brodie
    Burd8 : Probably who knows
    adamite : ur the 1 sick in the head
    Holydiverdio75 : I'm woundering how stupied lol it's going to get
    dadius : nothing can get as stupid as UTAH
    Holydiverdio75 : go utah
    Holydiverdio75 : lol
    Holydiverdio75 : me an my bees know how too bee a pain in thier ass
    Holydiverdio75 : long gone is the wishing well
    Holydiverdio75 : lol
    Holydiverdio75 : wild side
    KingBrodieTheTurd : Youre a fucking idiot Willy still going on some trolling shit I said 3 years ago.
    KingBrodieTheTurd : You’re obviously obsessed about fisting you gross old man
    adamite : i got no other material brodie dont take things so personal
    adamite : i just love 2 troll
    KingBrodieTheTurd : You also have no brains.
    adamite : o well
    adamite : i troll jack with dog fucking
    Holydiverdio75 : ironicly my willy grew 3 inches lol is that coincerdincslol
    adamite : just me having fun
    adamite : i wish
    adamite : still 5 inch here
    Holydiverdio75 : no shit haven fun on the wild side
    bushaxe : All of u deserve to burn in hell
    Holydiverdio75 : I know an your thinken fag I want pussy lol
    SephirothAngel : bushy
    SephirothAngel : how are you bush?