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    madmanno1 : morning dil
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    palogee1953 : Yeh
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    birddog41 has just logged in
    birddog41 : dilater sure is "in & out" of this room a lot
    birddog41 : speaking of in and out......thats what Majic Johnson did to dilaters rectum......ouch....Majic is HUNG now!
    dilater has just logged in
    dilater : morning all
    bullman73 : gm
    madmanno1 : hi dil
    dilater : hi madmanno1
    dilater : it's warmed uo to a balmy -8 here
    madmanno1 : an heatwave
    dilater : lol
    dilater : upside it's mostly sunny
    madmanno1 : yeah thats always a plus
    dilater : haven't ventured outside
    madmanno1 : but you moved about
    dilater : not much no motivation
    madmanno1 : tut
    madmanno1 : i had a mega diva-fit at 705am on the phone with the supermarket lol
    madmanno1 : fucked up my order lol
    madmanno1 : i said cancel it i will shop somewhere had to go out at 930am for beef veg ect..
    madmanno1 : do the rest on monday..i said to him dont talk to me lol
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    Chankiri : Hii
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    bustedload has just logged in
    bustedload : tonights jam 100 marbles up my asshole while im jacking off
    Holydiverdio75 : why marbelles hoss
    bustedload : results in about an hour
    Holydiverdio75 : whats the resault
    Jaxxmannn : He said in an hour !!!!!!!!!!! Can't you read ?
    seanDante69 : Anyone wanna chat IM me
    bustedload : ok, i was only able to jam 44 marbles up my asshole, i jacked off, but lost the bet
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