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I think that the worst thing that people can face chat room [public] created by josephine468
I'm a woman who doesn't live in a fairy ? tale where a prince on a white horse will come to me and will take my heart. No, I?m searching for a ordinary man, with whom I will feel happy, with whom we will create a strong family where two people support and care of each other. I will not love him for something he gave to me, but I will give him all my love just for his existence in my life, unconditional love. What can be better than to love a person and to know that it's mutual. Of course, nothing can replace it. So for me, it?s a big gift in life which I want to find and save it and never lose. I think that there are no ideal people with excellent character , but what I want is to find a man with whom we can share everything-not only good, but also bad..to be together not only in the moment of happiness but in the moment of desperate. I really want to love from all my heart and if you are here for the same reason, let?s try to find ourselves in happiness and enjoy the life full of love!

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