Chat Hour
[weirdtown chat 2.0]
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You can contact Chat Hour (formerly WeirdTown Chat) by e-mail at
If you are a Chat Hour member, please first check out our Chat Hour FAQ below.
Chat Hour FAQ
You may use "Find" command to search our FAQ by keyword. It is usually Ctrl+F on PC or Command+F on Mac.

I don't want to use Chat Hour anymore. How can I delete my account?
I recently deleted my Chat Hour account but I changed my mind. How can I undelete my account?
Why did you block/delete my account? I didn't do anything wrong.
Why am I being blocked from sending messages in Chat Hour chat rooms?
Someone in my chat room created a username similar to my username and disguised as me. How can I block this cloner?
Someone in my chat room kept sending disruptive/offensive messages. How can I block them?
How can I change my username?
How can I change my email address?
How can I change my password?
Where do I receive mails sent on Chat Hour?
My chat room is so slow today. What can I do to make it faster?
I saw the message "see you soon" as soon as I log in. How can I fix this?
Can you resend my verification code to me?
Why are my photos under review? When will other chatters see my photos again?
How can I delete my photo on my profile?
How can I delete a chat room I created?
How can I make my profile hidden from non-members?
How can I unignore a member I ignored by accident?
Someone created a Chat Hour account with my email address without my permission. How can I cancel my account?
I've been using Chat Hour chat rooms for a while. Suddenly, the chat rooms stopped functioning. What should I do?
How much does it cost to use Chat Hour?
Does Chat Hour sell or rent my email address to third parties? Where can I can find Chat Hour's privacy policies?

Q: I don't want to use Chat Hour anymore. How can I delete my account?
To delete your account, please click here. After deleting your account, you will not be able to sign up with the same email address for 20 days. Please be careful because this operation cannot be undone.
Q: I recently deleted my Chat Hour account but I changed my mind. How can I undelete my account?
Unfortunately, once you delete your account, it cannot be undone. You can never get your old account back. However, you can create a new account. Please note that your email address is blocked from registration for a certain number of days right after you delete your account.
Q: Why did you block/delete my account? I didn't do anything wrong.
If your account or your photos are flagged as inappropriate by a lot of people, we may delete your account. The large majority of deleted accounts are the ones created by someone younger than our minimum age. We may delete your account if you look younger or you are flagged as younger by several members too. Also, if you mention on your profile that you are not at the same age as the one set on your profile, we will assume that you are underage and delete your account. Unfortunately, we don't allow new members who are under 18 at this time due to safety concerns and legal issues. We apologize if we had to delete your account, even though you didn't do anything wrong. Please come back once you turn 18.
Q: Why am I being blocked from sending messages in Chat Hour chat rooms?
You could be blocked from Chat Hour if you sent disruptive messages in our chat rooms or tried to disguise as someone else by creating a similar username (cloning a username). If you created multiple accounts, you are more likely to get blocked too. We recommend you use only one Chat Hour username. Unfortunately, you can also be blocked by accident if you share the same computer or the same network as a blocked member. Our block is usually temporary. Your block duration depends on the rules being violated and frequency of violations in your network. If you didn't violate any rules of Chat Hour but you got blocked permanently, we recommend you switch to a private computer with its own private internet connection with Static IP option. Please contact your internet service provider for more details. Our members are more likely to be blocked from chatting in our main censored room. Try using other chat rooms if you're unable to use this room.
Q: Someone in my chat room created a username similar to my username and disguised as me. How can I block this cloner?
You can ban the cloner here. The user you want to ban for this reason will be blocked immediately after submitting the report if his/her username is similar to yours.
Q: Someone in my chat room kept sending disruptive/offensive messages. How can I block them?
You can block a disruptive member by clicking the username you want to block on the chat message screen to view his/her profile, then clicking the stop sign button at the bottom left corner of the profile.
Q: How can I change my username?
Unfortunately, changing your username is not possible at this time. You may delete your account but you must wait for 20 days before you can create a new account with the same email address.
Q: How can I change my email address?
Please go to
Q: How can I change my password?
Please go to
Q: Where do I receive mails sent on Chat Hour?
Your mails are forwarded to the email address you put in our records. We do not store any mail messages on our website at this time. Please make sure your email address in our records is up-to-date.
Q: My chat room is so slow today. What can I do to make it faster?
This problem normally happens when you download or upload files on the internet while you are using our chat. Having multiple Chat Hour chat rooms open at the same time can also slow down your connection to our site.
Q: I saw the message "see you soon" as soon as I log in. How can I fix this?
You could encounter this problem if you have your cookies disabled. Please read your browser manual on how to enable your browser cookies or look it up on your search engine. It is usually under the Tools or Options menu.
Q: Can you resend my verification code to me?
You can get your verification code by going to and click the "FORGOT PASSWORD?" button to enter your email address or your username. Your verification code will be sent to you along with your password. Please make sure your mailbox is not full and your verification code email is not stuck in your junk/bulk/spam folders.
Q: Why are my photos under review? When will other chatters see my photos again?
In order to make sure that we provide a safe environment for everyone, from time to time your photos may be under review. When you see that your profile photos are being reviewed, it means that most of our members will not be able to see your photos except for members with review privileges. It usually takes up to 24 hours to clear your photos from being reviewed but sometimes your photos may be in this state for up to 3 days until we no longer receive any further violation reports. It is very common for your photos to be under review if:

• You have photos on your profile that do not consider family-friendly
• We receive multiple violation reports on your photos or your profile
• You use a shared network, an internet proxy service, or a certain ISP with multiple violations in the past
• You recently created your account

If your photos were banned in the past, it is very likely that your photos will be under review every time you upload a new photo. You do not have to contact us if the situations above apply to you. Please be patient and just wait for it to clear up.

Please note that our service is used by people from all over the world. Photos that you consider family-friendly in your culture may consider offensive or sexual in another culture. Because anyone may report photo violations, we suggest you only upload photos that everyone in the world would consider family-safe. If you are not sure, make your photo private and ask around before making it public.
Q: How can I delete my photo on my profile?
To delete a photo from your profile, please log in, click "WHO'S ONLINE?" button, and click your username to see your profile. Then, click the "X" button at the top right corner of your photo to go to the photo delete page.
Q: How can I delete a chat room I created?
To delete a chat room, please log in as the owner of the chat room, go to the chat room you would like to delete, click "Customize chat room" link, then click "Delete." .
Q: How can I make my profile hidden from non-members?
By default, some of your profile information is visible to everyone including non-members. If you want your profile to be hidden from non-members or someone who comes directly from google search for example, you may update your profile status here.
Q: How can I unignore a member I ignored by accident?
If you know the username of the member you would like to unignore, you could go to their profile and click "unignore." We do not have a page showing a full list of members you have ignored. If you don't know their username, we suggest you go to the same chat room where you met that particular member and look for them there. You can also try our member search page. There are also lists of online members by gender, age, interests, etc. in our mobile version.
Q: Someone created a Chat Hour account with my email address without my permission. How can I cancel my account?
The best way to solve this problem is to change your password. Noone can use your account if they don't have your password. You can do this by going to, click "FORGOT PASSWORD" and enter your email address. After submitting, you will receive your password in an email. You can now go back to again and log in with your email address and the password you received. After logging in, click "MENU" then click "EDIT PROFILE" and update your password. After changing your password, noone can log in as you or create a new account with your email address again. Alternatively, you can delete your account by clicking here.
Q: I've been using Chat Hour chat rooms for a while. Suddenly, the chat rooms stopped functioning. What should I do?
Please try removing all your cache files. Here are the instructions for cleaning out your cache files:
For Microsoft Internet Explorer users:
• Please look for "Temporary Internet Files" under Tools or Options menu

For Chrome users:
• Please look for "Browsing Data" under Advanced Settings

For Mozilla FireFox users:
• Please look for "Recent History" under Tools or Options menu

Please note that instructions may vary depending on the version of your browser.
Q: How much does it cost to use Chat Hour?
Chat Hour is completely FREE. We never ask you to pay for anything, period.
Q: Does Chat Hour sell or rent my email address to third parties? Where can I can find Chat Hour's privacy policies?
No. We do not sell or rent your email addresses to any third parties. To make sure no one can get your email address, please do not post your email address anywhere on our site or send it to anyone. You email address is hidden when you send mails to other members with the mail form on our site. You can read more about our privacy policies here.

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