The Light Within
chat room [private] created by BlueEyedKisara
Simply put... RP, chat, whatever. Please don't be obnoxious. Please don't spam. None of that slutty RP with tits flyin' everywhere and such. RP properly, and if you aren't doing it properly don't get angry when someone corrects you. Whether they do it nicely or are being total asshats, either way they're trying to teach. (But please try not to be TOO much of an asshat when correcting... I REALLY don't want to deal with drama and whining. It's such a drag.) No trolling please. I know it's fun sometimes but there needs to be a very tight code about it. IM a mod if there is an issue, whether someone's upsetting you or something else. We'll access the situation and handle it accordingly. If you are trolling and get banned and decide to continue with a million usernames... don't worry, I can play that game all day. No godmodding. No roleplaying FOR someone else, you can only play out your own actions. That is how it works. You want to spar? Take it elsewhere, it's kind of annoying in the room. There will be times where I step in, and I express my opinion. I'm very blunt, and some may take offense. Simply put, shut up and deal with it unless you have a legitimate argument.
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