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gay support for chathour chat room [public] created by kittycats123
If anyone here has difficulty at school, at home, or anywhere, please feel free to share your thoughts. This forum is a safe place to talk, ask questions, and make friends. I'm sure you're all familiar with seeing the common profile that says "F*** off gays!", or " Don't talk to me if ur gay!' This really bothers me, and I'm sure it bothers many of you too. Just remember - when we stand together, we're biggerthan anyone. Most girls love gays, so I don't expect many of them would be impressed by homophobic language. And most people in general accept gay people, whether that support it or not. This is 2015 and it's our time to stand stronger and taller than ever before, then we can remain paramount and always be there to support and advocate for those in need. Thanks for reading and have a fabulous day!

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