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james lucky chat room [public] created by jameslucy1234
WELLCOME TO AFRI DATING AGENCY( 08170142780) SEEKING FOR RICH SEXY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY /GAY/LESBIANS/ WE GIVE EXECUTIVE SERVICES FOR OUR HIGH CLASS CUSTOMERS THAT NEED THIS SERVICES,WE ALSO ARRANGE LADIES FOR GOVERNMENT and FUNCTIONS we provide the best arrangement, we have links with ladies who are EXECUTIVES,BUSINESS DIRECTORS, ENTREPRENEURS,BIG TIME OIL LADIES,BANKERS,GOLD DEALERS,LADIES WHO OWNS THEIR OWN COMPANIES,OIL RIGS,AND we also have them in FOREIGN COUNTRIES,LIKE DUBAI LONDON,DUBLIN,PARIS,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, we are around the world.... WE DELIVER UNIQUE,RELIABLE,CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE TO ALL OUR CLIENT But you must be very presentable,handsome,pretty and humble, you must also be very good on bed too. If you are very sure of yourself that you have all these qualities...contact afri dating agency for hooked up within 48 hours and make cool cash, anyone interested should start calling now for hookup...WE ARE ALSO SEEKING FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE INTERESTED IN ACTING PORN MOVIE, IN NIGERIA, GHANA, USA, CONTACT MR, JAMES PHONE NO...08170142780 EMIL...JAMESLUCKY_MIKE@YAHOO.COM FACE BOOK ID..JAMEs LUCKY MIKE

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