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sajumassage chat room [public] created by sajumassage
est Chennai Massage Chennai Massage Service only for Males. Indian traditional massage practiced under ayurveda tradition for thousands of years. These massage are popular due to its uniqueness & rejuvenative power of healing. i maintain these living traditions with their unique and authentic styles in Indian Traditional Massage BENEFITS OF AYURVEDIC MASSAGE 1) Improves blood circulation. 2) Improves body flexibility & muscle tone. 3) Helps to trim off and burn the excess & stubborn fat from the body. 4) Tones up skin and encourages its renewal process. 5) Mobilizes the digestive system and speeds up the elimination of waste products. 6) Improves immunity to fight against infection and disease. 7) Caring touch and massage soothe our nerves and decrease tension. 8) Helping sleep problems. 9) An effective aid to relaxation. or email us spahealers@gmail.com massage in Trichy Vellore Coiambatore Kanchipuram massage Goa, Bangalore Massage Chepauk Triplicane Call On +919677519498

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