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List of all user-created chat rooms by BEaST8888
BEaST 8888 chat room [public]
Welcome to BEaST room. I hope you enjoy your chatting experience here. This place was created for like minded, friendly, sensible, intelligent and fun people. And for a pleasant and enjoyable experience where you can relax and make new friends. Here are some basic rules: Newcomers to chat should always be given priority. Welcome them promptly. Try to make them feel comfortable and settled in the chatroom. Try not to monopolize the screen with too much chat. Give others a chance to express themselves. Avoid/Refrain from discussing the topics of religion, sex, and race. No flaming or vicious gossip is allowed. The repeated use of caps (shouting) is offensive in most chat rooms and will not be tolerated. Offenders may be banned from the Chat Room. A little common sense and common courtesy will go a long way toward helping make this room enjoyable for all. Thank you for reading and observing the above rules.

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