List of all user-created chat rooms by Rudra0012 |
KolKATA As FOr MY LOVe. chat room [public]
WELCOME_To KolKATA As 4R My LOVe. Thiz Room z 4R All DecENT CHAttERZ. Itz 4R WhOME Who WNT SomETING SPeciAL z in hz LiFe. N a "PuRE LoVE." WARNING: Dnt Try 2 be OFFensive as wel as VUlGUR 2.. Kz kEEP EnJOY Hea...! |
DeSiREz FoR TRUe LOVerz iN iNDiAz chat room [public]
"DeSiREz FoR TRUe LOVerz iN iNDiAz" z 4R WhoME Who Going Thru Dis Way....._EXPREssz Ur FeeliNGSz Hea 2 All Da New CoMERZ..._! And Find Hea a Best Luv BiRDS....._! AAL Of u EnJOY Hea itZ da Best Chat RooM 4R u...._! WARNING: Dnt Use OFFENSiVE n VULGURz WorDz 2 Hea...._! Have Fun Hea. |
THe ROMANce BEGiAns HeRE FOr iNDiAz chat room [public]
we sometime thoughts,,,life is beautiful...becausewe are worth enough to live...but youknow dead is the ultimate way of all the living beings in this globe.. |
LOVe z An iLLUSiONz FOr iNDiAz chat room [public]
we sometime thoughts,,,life is beautiful...becausewe are worth enough to live...but youknow dead is the ultimate way of all the living beings in this globe.. |
THe iNOCENT EYe oFF SilENT ATTRACTioN FoR iNDiAz chat room [public]
we sometime thoughts,,,life is beautiful...becausewe are worth enough to live...but youknow dead is the ultimate way of all the living beings in this globe.. |
THe FiRST SiGHT oFF LOVe FoR iNDiANz chat room [public]
we sometime thoughts,,,life is beautiful...becausewe are worth enough to live...but youknow dead is the ultimate way of all the living beings in this globe.. |
Allz R FARe iN LOVn ANd WAr FoR iNDiAz chat room [public]
we sometime thoughts,,,life is beautiful...becausewe are worth enough to live...but youknow dead is the ultimate way of all the living beings in this globe.. |
We LiKE SoMEoNE BECAuz LOVe oR HATe chat room [public]
we sometime thoughts,,,life is beautiful...becausewe are worth enough to live...but youknow dead is the ultimate way of all the living beings in this globe.. |
LOVe WiTHOUT REAOsn iTz TRUe Or FALSe chat room [public]
we sometime thoughts,,,life is beautiful...becausewe are worth enough to live...but youknow dead is the ultimate way of all the living beings in this globe.. |
GiRLz LiKE SiLENT BOYz iTz TRUe Or FALSe FOr iNDiA chat room [public]
we sometime thoughts,,,life is beautiful...becausewe are worth enough to live...but youknow dead is the ultimate way of all the living beings in this globe.. |
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