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List of all user-created chat rooms by sonicthehedgehog1
sonic the hedgehog chat room [public]
hello there im sonic the hedgehog im blue and spiky im the real one if you know me way past cool but my brothers are manic and sonia and mostly i useally call tails as a bro but hes my buddy hes name is miles prower but we call him tails though and he has an x torando i always run to other places to go and most of of all is eggman hes builds robots hes evil never trust him even nazo and yeah the all eggman names is eggman and eggman nega robuttnik hehe or should i say robotnik anyway have fun in this this chat no spamming
sonic da chat chat room [public]
hello im sonic da hedgehog if you find the real sonic you may be welcome to my chat to meet me after all im a blue hedgehog lol by the way my bud is tails da fox and anyone can come not only the real sonic im the real sonic da so yeah ok thats all for now and my best best friend hes real hes name is sonic in love with LeeAnn if you see him i wanna talk to him again my xat chat wont work so hope you take care you can join any time in my chat everyone can join bye bye so long speeds off sonic the name speeds my game hehe

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