List of all user-created chat rooms by zbella |
GLBT canada chat room [public]
anyone who is gay lesbian bi or trasvastit can come to just chate and maybe hook up with someone- please no one being mean and saying horabel things about us |
canadan teen lez and bi girls only chat room [private]
girls only, a room to talk just us galz and chill togeather maybe even hock up (I reserve the right to pick and chose who come;s into and out of the room) |
writeing love to write chat room [public]
no mater if you write potey or storys come hear to chat with others who share your pashion of writeing come to share ideas and talk about your love to wrtie |
the teen spot glbt chat room [public]
are you gay, a lesbian, bi, or even a trasvestite, well then come chat in the teen glbt room |
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